List of Activities / Senarai Aktiviti

1. Webinar

2. Workshop

3. Professional Certificate of Pain Management

Objective and Learning Outcomes

On completion of the Professional Certificate in Pain Management, you will be able to :

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of patient care in pain management.
  • Critically evaluate current research in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary pain management.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of self-care promotion for acute (red flag) and chronic pain.
  • Deliver Point-of-Care (Pocus) ultrasound management strategies for investigating and treating pain conditions.


Tahniah Batch Pertama Professional Certificate of Pain Management

No.NameProfessionEmployer’s Name
1Doktor Mohd Yaqzan Mohd ArsadDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
2Doktor Najwa Atiqah Mohd ZabidiDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
3Doktor Abdullah Fahmi Bin RohimeDoctorKlinik Adam Hawa
4Doktor Muhammad Akhyar AzharDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
5Doktor Haafilah Binti Abu Bakar SidekDoctorPKD Kluang
6Doktor Muhammad Mu’Az Bin MustapaDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
7Doktor Mohd Khamizi AzizDoctorMegaklinik Zahran
8Doktor Asraf Aizuddin AhmadDoctorKementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
9Doktor Harith ShahiranDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
10Doktor Nur Khalilah Ahmad ZakiDoctorPoliklinik Amalmedik
11Dr. AishahDoctorKementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
12Dr. Amirul Mukminin bin ShaharaniDoctorKlinik Salam
13Dr. Anuar OsmanDoctorKlinik Salam
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